Bible Society of South Africa

Apocalyptic Literature: Daniel

Part of the book of Daniel (Daniel 7–12) consists of visions and their explanations. In the first vision in Daniel 7, one of Daniel’s dreams is described.

Contents of The Dream

In the dream in Daniel 7, Daniel sees four beasts coming out of the sea. They are terrible animals. The last beast receives the most attention. This fourth beast is terrifying (Daniel 7:7-8). It devours everything with its huge iron teeth and tramples what remains. It has ten horns and develops another, smaller horn, which boasts proudly.

Then everything changes: an old wise man with white hair sits down on a fiery throne (Daniel 7:9-14). He decides the fate of the beasts. The fourth beast is killed immediately. On the clouds, someone approaches who looks like a human being and he is given royal power over all the nations.

Explanation of The Dream

Daniel 7:17-27 explains that the four beasts are four empires. The ones who ultimately receive royal power are the “people of the Supreme God”, in other words: the Jews. The ten horns on the fourth beast are ten kings from the fourth empire. The little horn that emerges later is the last king. He will oppress “God’s people”, the Jews, and he will try to change their religious laws and festivals.

The vision tells us that a king will come who will oppress the Jews, but that after this the Jews will come to power. According to most researchers, the bad king refers to Antiochus IV Epiphanes.

According to the first Christians, the person who receives royal power in Daniel 7 is actually Jesus.

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