Bible Society of South Africa


Eve is the woman who with Adam, forms the first human couple mentioned in the Bible. As the mother of all living people, she is given the name Eve. Eve and Adam together are the parents of Cain, Abel and Seth.

The Name Eve

The Hebrew name Eve means “life”. At the beginning, Eve has no name. She is formed out of the rib of the man, Adam, and is called “woman” (Genesis 2:23).
Adam and his wife eat fruit from the tree which God had forbidden them to eat. Therefore, God curses the snake, the woman and the man. As punishment, the woman will have pain when giving birth to children. After this, Adam names his wife “Eve”, because she is the mother of all living people (Genesis 3:20).

Tempted by a Snake

God said to Adam that he and his wife are allowed to eat the fruit of any tree in the Garden of Eden, paradise, except the one in the middle. Despite this, the snake persuades Eve to pluck fruit from this very tree (Genesis 3:1-5).
Eve eats the fruit and gives some to Adam too. From that moment onwards, they were given understanding and realised that they were naked. They therefore try to hide themselves from God, but he finds them nonetheless. He curses the snake, the woman and the man. God wants to prevent Adam and Eve from eating the fruit from the Tree of Life in the garden, and so sends them away from the Garden of Eden.


After they are driven out of the Garden of Eden, Eve becomes pregnant by Adam and bears a son, whom they call Cain. Later they have another son whom they call Abel.
But Cain kills his younger brother Abel. Adam and Eve have another son after this, whom they call Seth (Genesis 4:25). For Eve, this is the son that God has given her in place of Abel.

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