Bible Society of South Africa


Aaron is the brother of Moses. He is the first high priest of the people of Israel.
When Moses stays away for a long time in the desert, the Israelites become impatient and Aaron makes an image of a bull-calf in gold for them.

The Name Aaron

The name Aaron means “enlightened”. Aaron is the brother of Moses and Miriam. Their parents are called Amram and Jochebed, and they belong to the tribe of Levi. They were among the people of Israel who were oppressed in Egypt.
Aaron marries Elisheba from the tribe of Judah. Together they have four sons: Nadab, Abihu, Eleazar and Ithamar (Exodus 6:23).

Aaron and Moses

God gives Aaron, together with his brother Moses, the task of freeing the people of Israel from Egypt (Exodus 4:10-17). Together they go to the pharaoh, but he refuses to let his slaves go. Only after ten plagues, does he give permission for the Israelites to leave.

High Priest

Aaron and Moses lead the people for 40 years through the desert. During this journey, Aaron is consecrated as the first high priest of the sanctuary. His sons are also consecrated as priests. Together with them, Aaron is responsible for the offerings and the holy tabernacle.
The later priests of the people of Israel are descendants from the tribe of Levi and the family of Aaron.

The Golden Calf

When the Israelites are on Mount Sinai, Moses climbs to the top of the mountain to meet God. The people think he stays there much too long before he comes back. Therefore, they ask Aaron for a god who can lead them further on into the desert.
Aaron does not dare to refuse their request. He orders the Israelites to hand in their jewellery. From this, he makes a golden image in the form of a calf (Exodus 32:1-6).
When Moses comes down from the mountain and sees the golden calf, he is furious. He throws down the two stone tablets that God gave him and they break. He then completely destroys the golden calf by burning it, and mixes the ash from the fire with the water that the Israelites drink (Exodus 32:15-20).

The Death of Aaron

Aaron dies just before the people enter the Promised Land. He is buried on Mount Hor (Numbers 33:38-39).

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