Bible Society of South Africa

2 Thessalonians: Author and Dating

The second letter to the Thessalonians is written in the name of Paul, but was probably not written by Paul himself. It is not known who wrote the letter or when it was written.


Most biblical scholars assume that this letter was not written by Paul for the following reasons:

  1. 1.Around a third of the words and phrases in 2 Thessalonians occur in 1 Thessalonians, suggesting that 2 Thessalonians is a reworking of 1 Thessalonians.
  2. 2.By contrast the tone of the two letters is not the same. 1 Thessalonians is warm and concerned in tone, whereas 2 Thessalonians is more in the style of an objective treatise.
  3. 3.A third factor is the way the two letters speak about the end time. There are different ideas about the time when Christ will come and these differences are hard to attribute to one author.
  4. 4.In 2 Thessalonians much detail is given about the punishment which non-Christians will receive. In the letters that we can definitely attribute to Paul, this topic is treated differently.


It is difficult to date 2 Thessalonians. The subject of the letter, the delay in the end time, means the text was written at the end of the first century AD. Probably it was composed by a group of believers for whom the collected letters of Paul played an important role, and who wanted to correct Paul’s idea of a swift return of Christ by adding this letter to the collection. Therefore it is not certain that this letter was really intended for the Christians in Thessalonica.

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