Grace of God
God chooses to connect with human beings and remain connected with them. According to the Bible, grace is the basis for the connection between God and humanity. You could define grace as God choosing to look kindly on people, even though they do not deserve it.
Forgiveness Possible again and again
Ditemana tše di tswalanago tša Bibele
EKSODOSE 22.26 EKSODOSE 33.19 EKSODOSE 34.6 - EKSODOSE 34.7 DIPESALOME 23.6 DIPESALOME 130.7 LUKASE 2.40 BAROMA 3.23 - BAROMA 3.24 BAROMA 5.15 - BAROMA 5.21 BAEFESO 1.7 DILLO 3.31 - DILLO 3.32Bala ka mo go oketšegilego?
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