Bible Society of South Africa

Roadmap for Life – Day 2

When you’re afraid.

(Di)temana ya Bibele


10Le se ke la boifa –

ke na le lena!

Le se ke la lealea –

ke nna Modimo wa lena!

Ke a le tiiša, ke a le thuša,

ke a le šireletša,

ke le hlakodiša ka maatla a ka.

JESAYA 41:10NSO00Bula go Mmadi wa Bibele

Pesalome 36

Botho bja Modimo

5Morena, leratorato la gago le fihla magodimong;

potego ya gago e fihla marung.

6Go loka ga gago go phagame boka thaba tše kgolo;

dikahlolo tša gago di tebile bjalo ka phamphamadiba.

Wena, Morena,

o babalela batho le diphoofolo.

7Modimo, leratorato la gago ga se ka bohlokwa!

Batho ba nama ba tšhabela ka fase ga diphego tša gago.

8Ba khora dijo tše ntši tša ka lapeng la gago;

o ba noša moeleng wa gago wa meetse a mabose.

9O mothopo wa bophelo;

rena re bonegelwa ke seetša sa gago.

Pesalome 36:5-9NSO00Bula go Mmadi wa Bibele

It’s exciting moving through life enjoying your freedom and opportunities for personal growth. While this is a good thing, the fear of not measuring up, failing to reach your goals, adjusting to strange environments or rejection by others may cause anxiety in many ways. God understands your uncertainty and sets your mind at ease through the Bible.

– Trust in the goodness of God
– Stick to your standards

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