Bible Society of South Africa

How to Live – Day 10

A Prayer.

(Di)temana ya Bibele


16Ka gona, le ipolele dibe seng sa lena gomme le rapelelaneng, gore le tle le fodišwe. Thapelo ya moloki e na le maatla a magolo.

JAKOBOSE 5:16NSO00Bula go Mmadi wa Bibele


9Ka lebaka leo, e sa le go tloga mola ra kwago ka lena, ga re lese go le rapelela. Re kgopela Modimo gore a le tlatše tsebo ya thato ya gagwe, ka bohlale bjohle le kwešišo yohle ye e tšwago go Moya wa gagwe. 10Ke mo le tlago kgona go phela ka mo Morena a nyakago ka gona, la dira fela tše di mo kgahlago. Bophelong bja lena la tšweletša tša go loka tša mehuta, la tšwela pele le go tseba Modimo.

BAKOLOSE 1:9-11NSO00Bula go Mmadi wa Bibele


Tša Moya le tša nama

16Gomme nna ke re: Phelang ka mokgwa wo le hlahlwago ke Moya, gomme le ka se lakwe ke ditumo tša nama.

BAGALATIA 5:16NSO00Bula go Mmadi wa Bibele


Lerato la Sekriste

1Le ge nka kgona go bolela mantšu ohle a go se kwešišwe a batho le a barongwa, ge ke se na lerato, ke no swana le tshipi ye e kwetenyago goba moropa wo o tidimetšago. 2Le ge nka ba le mpho ya go kgona go bega molaetša wa Modimo, le ge nka tseba diphiri ka moka le dilo ka moka, le ge nka ba le tumelo yohle ye e nyakegago go šutiša dithaba, ge ke se na lerato, gona ga ke selo. 3Le ge nka fa bahloki tšohle tše ke nago le tšona, le ge nka ikgafela go fišwa, ge ke se na lerato, gona ga go nkhole selo.

4Wa lerato ga a felele motho pelo, ebile ke yo botho; ga a na mona, ga a ikgantšhe, ebile ga a na makoko. 5Wa lerato ga a dire dihlabišadihlong, ga a nyake go ikhola; ga a selekege fela; ga a sware yo kgopo ka pelo. 6Ga a thabele bobe, o thabela toka. 7O kgotlelela tšohle, o dumela tšohle, o holofela tšohle, o pelotelele go tšohle.

8Lerato ga le fele, kganthe mpho ya go kgona go bega molaetša wa Modimo yona e tla fela, le ya go kgona go bolela ka mantšu a a sa kwešišwego e tla fela, tsebo le yona e tla fela. 9Gobane tsebo ye re nago le yona e a hlaelelwa, mokgwa wo re begago molaetša wa Modimo ka wona le wona o a hlaelelwa. 10Eupša mohla go etla seemo sa tše di feletšego, tše di hlaelelwago di tla timelela.

11Mola ke sa le ngwana, ke be ke bolela bjalo ka ngwana, ke gopola bjalo ka ngwana, ke nagana bjalo ka ngwana; bjale ka gore ke monna, tša bobjana ke di tlogetše. 12Gonabjale tše re di bonago di etša seswantšho se se ifetšego ka seiponeng; ka nako yeo re tla bona tšohle re lebane le tšona. Gonabjale tše ke di tsebago ke seripanyana fela, ka nako yeo ke tla tseba tšohle ka botlalo bjalo ka ge le nna Modimo a ntseba ka botlalo.

13Bjale ge, tše di dulago di le gona ke tumelo le kholofelo le lerato, tše tharo tše; gomme sa go di feta ka moka ke lerato.

1 BAKORINTE 13NSO00Bula go Mmadi wa Bibele


8Yo a se nago le lerato ga a tsebe Modimo, gobane Modimo ke lerato.

1 JOHANESE 4:8NSO00Bula go Mmadi wa Bibele


12Ga go motho yo a kilego a bona Modimo, eupša ge re ratana ke gore Modimo o dula e le o tee le rena, gomme go re rata ga gagwe e be mo go feletšego.

1 JOHANESE 4:12NSO00Bula go Mmadi wa Bibele


5Kholofelo yeo ga e re swabiše, gobane lerato la Modimo le tšhetšwe ka dipelong tša rena ke Moya wo Mokgethwa wo re o filwego.

BAROMA 5:5NSO00Bula go Mmadi wa Bibele


9Ke rapela gore lerato la lena le gole le eya le na le tsebo le kwešišo ye e feletšego, 10gore le kgone go kgetha se sebotse. Ke mo le tlago ba ba ba hlwekilego ba go hloka bosodi ka letšatši le Kriste a tla bego a etla ka lona.

BAFILIPI 1:9-10NSO00Bula go Mmadi wa Bibele

Prayer is the hotline of hope that keeps a righteous man in touch with the great God. Through that binding connection we pray and have hope for ourselves, for loved ones, fellow believers and unbelievers. Prayer is more than just an emergency call to get needs met, it is also the hotline that generates power so that through the Holy Spirit I am more able to live as God wants. Prayer is therefore a two-way conversation between God and people.  Daily, I wait expectantly and with full attention, when I read God’s Word so that the Holy Spirit reveals God’s will for me.

Listen to what the Word already tells us about God’s will. As believers and image bearers of God in the world, we need to honour God by living simply and doing what he wants. We can know what he wants through prayer and asking that we will continually be filled:  “…with the knowledge of his will through all the wisdom and understanding that the Spirit gives…” (Colossians 1:9) This means that we must live by the Spirit (Galatians 5:16) and allow God to lead us. Knowledge of His will must go hand in hand with growing in the knowledge of God (Colossians 1:10) – the discovery of his heart, God’s incomparable greatness.

Such a life offers challenges to every believer. It needs a God-focused life and perseverance. Difficult? Not if we ask God, that we be “…strengthened with all power according to his glorious might so that you may have great endurance and patience.” (Colossians 1:11).

Jesus’ preaching and teaching about the Christian believer’s lifestyle, centres around love. Without it, we are nothing (1 Corinthians 13), we do not know God (1 John 4:8) and God is not in us. (1 John 4:12) Every believer can be certain that the love of God has been poured out into our hearts through the Holy Spirit who has been given to us. (Romans 5:5) We actually bear responsibility to cultivate that “seed” of love, and one way in which we can do so is to pray that our love will increase more and more in understanding and sensitivity so that we may be able to distinguish the things that matter, (Philippians 1:9). Why is this distinction necessary? It is necessary so that we, on the day of Christ, may be found pure and blameless. (Philippians 1:10).

Prayer has great power and has the ability to change our lives, our circumstances and outlook on life, because God hears every prayer. In the words of RA Torrey: “Prayer is the key that unlocks all the storehouses of God’s infinite grace and power. All that God is, and all that God has, are at the disposal of prayer.”

Bible Society of South Africav.4.26.9