Bible Society of South Africa
Xanthe Hancox

Fruit of the Spirit – Day 3

Equipped to serve

(Di)temana ya Bibele


10Moshe a re: “Aowaowa, Mong wa ka, nka se ye. Ga se nke ka ba seboledi, le gonabjale ge o bolela le nna, mohlanka wa gago, ga se ka fetoga seboledi. Ke lešaedi la polelo, ke a gakanega ka itoma diteme.”

11Morena a re go Moshe: “Ke mang yo a fago motho molomo? Ke mang a dirago motho semuma goba sefoa? Ke mang a mo fago sefahlego goba a mo foufatša? A ga se nna, yena Morena? 12Bjale sepela; ke tla go thuša go bolela, le gona ke tla go botša se o swanetšego go se bolela.”

EKSODOSE 4:10-12NSO00Bula go Mmadi wa Bibele


16Mangwalo a Makgethwa ka moka a ngwadilwe ka go huetšwa ke Modimo, gomme a hola go ruta therešo, go kgala ba ba fošago, go sokolla batho, le go laya batho gore ba phele ka tshwanelo, 17gore motho yo a ineetšego Modimo e be yo a kgonago gape a loketšego go dira mediro yohle ye mebotse.

2 TIMOTHEOSE 3:16-17NSO00Bula go Mmadi wa Bibele

As Christians, we often say how much we desire to serve God – until we are actually called to action! Then, we do exactly what Moses did; we make excuses. “I’m not really comfortable with that” or “This isn’t my area of expertise” or “But someone else is far more qualified than I am!” Does this sound familiar?

God does not call the equipped; he equips those he has called.

He equips us with gifts and talents to serve him, and often, in unexpected ways. God could have miraculously given Moses the gift of the gab, but he did not. God gave him Aaron to speak on his behalf. In addition, just how does God equip us to serve him? We can read the answer to that question in Timothy 3:16-17, “All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.” If you want to be equipped to do anything God asks of you, you need only to study his word. God’s formula is simple; learn his word to gain the skills and tools needed to serve him. Therefore, if we do not feel as if we have the skills or tools to serve God, it is because we are not spending adequate time learning and applying his word.

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