Jesus is the way to the Father
1Jesus said to his disciples: ‘Do not worry. You must believe in God and believe in Me. 2There are a lot of rooms to live in at my Father's house. I speak the truth when I say I am going to my Father's house to prepare a place for you. 3After I have gone to prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you with Me so that you can be where I am. 4You know the way to the place where I am going.’
5Thomas said to Him: ‘Lord, we do not know where You are going and we do not know the way to get there.’ 6Jesus said to Thomas: ‘I am the way, I am the truth, and I am the life. No one can come to the Father if he does not believe in Me. 7You know Me. That is why you also know my Father. Yes, you know Him now, and you have seen Him.’
8Philip said to Jesus: ‘Lord, please show us the Father, then we will be happy.’ 9Jesus said to him: ‘Philip, I was with you for a long time. Don't you know Me? If someone has seen Me, then he has seen the Father. Why do you ask Me to show you the Father? 10Don't you believe that I am with the Father and the Father is with Me? The words that I say don't come from Myself. They come from the Father who is with Me. Yes, it is the Father who is working in Me.
11You must believe Me when I say I am with the Father and the Father is with Me. If you do not want to believe what I say, then you must believe because of the things that I have done, and the miracles that you have seen. 12I tell you this and it is sure: People who believe in Me will do the same things that I have done. Yes, they will do more things because I am going to the Father. 13If you ask Me something because you belong to Me, I will do it. That is how I, the Son, will show that the Father is God. 14Yes, if you ask Me something because you belong to Me, I will do what you ask.’
The Father will send the Holy_Spirit
15Jesus said to his disciples: ‘If you love Me, you will do what I tell you to do. 16I will ask the Father and He will give you another Helper. The Helper is the Holy_Spirit and He will stay with you. 17The Spirit will show you the truth. The people of the world can not receive the Spirit, because they can not see Him, and they do not know Him. But you know the Holy_Spirit, because He stays with you and He will keep on living in you.
18When I go away, you will not be alone like children without a father or mother. I will come back to you. 19After a short time the people of the world will no longer see Me, but you will see Me, and because I live, you will also live. 20Then you will know that I am with the Father and you are with Me and I am with you. 21If you know what I want you to do and you do it, you show that you love Me. If you love Me, my Father loves you and I will love you and I will show you who I am.’
22Then Judas (the other Judas, not Judas Iscariot who betrayed Jesus) said to Jesus: ‘Lord, we do not understand: How can it be that You will show Yourself just to us but not to the people of the world?’
23Jesus answered him and said: ‘If someone loves Me, he will do what I tell him and my Father will love him. Then the Father and I will come to him and stay with him. 24But a person who does not love Me will not do what I tell him to do. You must remember: The things that I tell you do not come from Me. They come from the Father who has sent Me to the world.
25I have said these things to you while I am with you. 26Later, I will not be here. When I have gone away the Father will send you a Helper to be with you. The Helper is the Holy_Spirit. He will teach you everything. Yes, He will help you remember the words that I have said while I have been with you.
27Now I am going away and I give my peace that will stay with you. Yes, I give my peace to you. It is not the same as the peace that the world gives. Do not be sad or afraid. 28I have told you that I am going away and I will come back to you. If you really love Me, you will be happy that I am going back to the Father, because He is more important than I am.
29I am telling you this before it happens. Then, when it happens, you will believe in Me. 30I will not talk to you much longer because Satan, the ruler of this world, is coming. But he is not stronger than I am. 31I want the people of the world to know that I love the Father. That is why I do everything that He tells Me to do.
Now it is time for us to go.’