The believers are like one body which belongs to Christ
1I, Paul, am in jail because I serve the Lord. I have something important to ask you: God has chosen you and you now belong to Him. That is why you must live like people who belong to God. 2Do not think that you are better than other people, but be humble and patient. Do not try to change other people to be like you. You must accept each other because you love each other. 3The Holy_Spirit has tied you together, and you are like one body. You must try very hard to live like people who are one body. You must live in peace. 4All of you are part of the same body and there is only one Holy_Spirit who is in your hearts. God has chosen you all, you belong to Him and He will give you the same wonderful things that He has promised to do for us. 5All of you have one and the same Lord, you believe the same things, and there is only one baptism. 6There is only one God who is the Father of us all. He rules over everyone and everything, He works through all people and He is in everyone.
7Christ gave all of us his grace and He gave each of us the gift that He wanted to give us. The grace that He gave us is like a gift. 8That is why we read in the Old_Testament:
‘He went up to heaven.
He took prisoners with Him
and He gave gifts to people.’
9We also read:
‘He went up.’
This means that Christ first came down to earth. 10Yes, Christ came down to earth and then He went back again to the highest heaven. He did this so that He can rule forever and everywhere.
11And Christ gave us gifts. He gave us these gifts: the apostles, the prophets, the leaders who preach the Good_News and those who help the believers and teach them. 12Christ gave these leaders to the church so that they can help God's people do the work better and better for Him, so that the church, that is like the body of Christ, can grow stronger and bigger. 13Christ wants us to believe the same things and we must know Him, the Son of God, very well. We must be like children who grew up and who are now adults. We must be like Christ, who is as God wants Him to be.
14We must not think like children anymore. We must not believe cunning people who teach things that are not_true. They want to show us ways that are wrong. People who believe them are like something that floats on the sea or something that is blown by the wind from one place to another place. 15We must always speak the truth and always love each other. Then we will become more and more like Christ, who is our Head. 16The church is like a body and it has many parts. Christ makes all the parts work together in one body. Each part of the body must do its work and together the body will grow and become stronger. This happens when we love and help each other.
Believers must live like new people
17Now I am going to say something very important: The Lord says you must stop living like Gentile people as you lived before. The things they say and think are foolish. 18The Gentiles live like people who can not understand. They are far away from God. They do not have real_life because they do not want to listen to God and they do not want to know Him. Their hearts are hard, and they do not want to turn to God. 19They do not feel ashamed when they do something wrong. They want to do more and more bad things because they always want to have more money and more things.
20But you have met Christ and you have learned that what they do is wrong. 21Yes, someone told you about Christ and you learned from Him and now you know that Jesus Himself is the truth. 22You have learned that you must stop living as you lived before, because you were bad and you did all the wrong things that you wanted to do, things that would make you die_forever. 23But you have learned that you must change and think differently and that you must become new people. 24Yes, God has changed you and made you new people, so now you must live like new people. You must truly live as God wants and you must do what He says.
How Christians must live
25That is why you must stop telling lies. You must tell the truth to one another because we all belong to each other. 26When you get angry, you must not sin. When you are angry with each other, don't stay angry all day. You must make peace before it gets dark. 27Don't do what the devil tells you to do. 28The people who steal other people's things must stop doing it. They must work hard so that they can have money to give to people who have nothing.
29Do not say anything bad about other people. Say only things that will help them to believe more strongly so that it will help those who are listening to you.
30Do not make God's Holy_Spirit sad. The Spirit shows that you belong to God and that God will free you from sin on the last day. 31Do not hate other people and do not remember only the bad things that they have done. Do not get angry with people or punish them or shout at them or say bad things about them. Don't do anything that is bad. 32You must be friendly to each other. You must feel sorry for each other and help each other. Christ died and God has forgiven you. That is why you must forgive one another.