Jacob works for Laban
1Jacob went on and he came to the land of the people of the East. 2He saw a water-well in the field and 3 flocks of sheep and goats around the well. The sheep and goats always drank water from this water-well, but there was a big stone over the well. 3When all the sheep and goats were there to drink water, the shepherds always rolled away the stone from the water-well and then they gave the animals water. After they had drunk water, the shepherds put the stone over the well again.
4Jacob asked the shepherds: ‘My friends, where do you come from?’ They said: ‘We come from Haran.’ 5And Jacob asked them: ‘Do you know Laban, the son of Nahor?’ And they said: ‘Yes, we know him.’ 6Jacob asked them: ‘How is he?’ They said: ‘He is well. Look, there is his daughter Rachel coming with his sheep and goats.’
7Jacob said: ‘It is early. It isn't time yet to bring the sheep and goats together for the night. Give them water so that they can go back into the field to eat.’
8But the shepherds said: ‘No, we can not do that. We have to wait until all the sheep and goats are here together. Only then can we roll the stone from the water-well and give water to the sheep and goats.’
9Jacob was still talking to them when Rachel came to the water-well with her father's sheep and goats. She was the shepherdess. 10Jacob saw his uncle Laban's daughter Rachel with Laban's sheep and goats. He went to the water-well and he rolled away the stone. He gave water to his uncle Laban's sheep and goats.
11Jacob kissed Rachel and he started to cry. 12He told Rachel that he was family of her father, and that he was Rebekah's son. Rachel ran home and told her father.
13When they told Laban that his sister's son, Jacob, was there, he ran to him and hugged him and kissed him. Laban took Jacob to his home and Jacob told Laban everything. 14Laban said to him: ‘We are family.’
Jacob stayed with him for a month. 15Then Laban said to Jacob: ‘You are my family, but you do not have to work for me without pay. Tell me how much I must pay you.’
Jacob marries Leah and Rachel
16Laban had 2 daughters. The older daughter was Leah and the younger daughter was Rachel. 17Leah's eyes were soft and weak, but Rachel was a beautiful woman. 18Jacob was in love with Rachel and he said to Laban: ‘I will work for you for 7 years for your younger daughter Rachel.’
19Laban said: ‘That is good. It is better for me to give her to you than to any other man. You may stay here with me.’
20Jacob worked for 7 years so that he could marry Rachel, but it felt to him as short as a few days because he loved her. 21After 7 years, Jacob said to Laban: ‘I have worked for you for 7 years. Please give me my wife. I want to marry her.’
22Laban called all the people together and they had a big feast. 23But that night, Laban gave his other daughter, Leah, to Jacob and Jacob had sex with her. 24Laban gave his servant girl Zilpah to his daughter Leah. 25The next morning Jacob saw that it was Leah who had become his wife. Then he said to Laban: ‘What have you done to me? I have worked for you so that I could marry Rachel. Why have you deceived me?’
26Then Laban said: ‘Here with our people, we do not let the younger daughter marry before the older daughter. 27When this week is over, I will give you my younger daughter Rachel, but then you will have to work for me for another 7 years.’
28Jacob did what Laban asked. Jacob waited until the week was over. Then Laban gave his daughter Rachel to Jacob and she also became his wife. 29Laban gave his servant girl Bilhah to his daughter Rachel. 30Jacob also had sex with Rachel and he loved Rachel more than Leah. He worked for Laban for another 7 years.
Leah has 4 sons
31The Lord saw that Jacob did not love Leah as much as he loved Rachel and so He gave children to Leah, but Rachel could not have children. 32Leah became pregnant and she had a son. She named him Reuben. She said: ‘The Lord sees that I am suffering. Now my husband will love me too.’
33Later she became pregnant again and she had another son and she said: ‘The Lord saw that Jacob does not love me a lot and He gave me this child.’ So she named him Simeon.
34When Leah became pregnant again and it was another son, she said: ‘Now my husband will love me more because I have given him 3 sons.’ She named him Levi.
35She became pregnant again and had another son. Then she said: ‘Now I will praise the Lord.’ So she named him Judah. Then she stopped having children.